In beauty/ lifestyle Today’s Beauty Pick – Clinique Extreme Volume Mascara I had been avoiding Clinique cosmetics for most of my adult life since my early experiences with them were not so great. The colors… Continue Reading →
In beauty/ lifestyle Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – Gift Sets Hi, hope you’re all having a great week! Yesterday, someone who I won’t see for a few weeks wished me a Happy Thanksgiving, and… Continue Reading →
In beauty/ lifestyle Today’s Beauty Pick – Essie Gel Nail Polish I have no patience to do my own manicure. To look good, there are multiple steps and it always starts to chip off in… Continue Reading →
In beauty/ lifestyle Today’s Beauty Pick: Marc Jacobs Glow Stick As I get older, I’ve noticed that my complexion has gotten dull[er]. Even with exercise and good sleep, it doesn’t have, or at least… Continue Reading →
In beauty Easy Hair Styling Tip For Volume that Lasts My hair is naturally pin straight and thick, and the second there’s moisture in the air it falls completely flat. And I mean completely flat. No… Continue Reading →
In beauty Hair and Streetstyle While taking street style photos, I’m usually more focused on the outfit and how it looks on the person. But for the photos above… Continue Reading →
In beauty Today’s Beauty Pick: Laura Geller Baked Color & Contour This three-in-one make-up palette by Laura Geller (c/o*) to contour, blush and highlight is my new make-up kit must-have. Made from pure pigments baked… Continue Reading →
In beauty/ lifestyle Gifts for the Beauty Product Junkie Have a beauty product obsessed friend in your life? These beauty gift sets are amazing presents even for the beauty product novice or minimalist.… Continue Reading →